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HomeTechApps and SoftwaresTop 8 Free Design Apps for Android in 2023 - Complete Guide

Top 8 Free Design Apps for Android in 2023 – Complete Guide

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Design apps are essential for anyone who wants to create stunning visual content on their Android device. Whether you're a professional graphic designer or a beginner, there are plenty of free design apps available for Android that can help you unleash your creativity. In this post, we will list and review the top 10 free design apps for Android in 2023.

Top 8 Free Design Apps for Android

1. Canva

Canva App is one of the most popular and easy-to-use design apps for Android users. It offers a wide range of templates, images, and graphics that can be customized to create stunning visuals. Canva also has a user-friendly interface that makes designing on Android devices easy. Canva has both free and paid version, but Free version too has many interesting and useful features.

2. Adobe Photoshop Mix

Adobe Photoshop Mix App is another great design app for Android users. It allows users to create and edit images and graphics with ease. Adobe Photoshop Mix is ideal for those who are familiar with the Adobe suite of products.

3. Autodesk SketchBook

Autodesk SketchBook App is a powerful drawing app that is designed for professional artists and illustrators. It offers a wide range of tools and features that can be used to create complex illustrations and designs. This app is perfect for those who want to create digital artwork on their Android devices.

4. Infinite Design

Infinite Design App is a vector graphics app that allows users to create and edit vector graphics on their Android devices. It offers a range of tools and features that are perfect for creating complex designs and graphics.

5. ibis Paint X

ibis Paint X App is a free drawing app that offers a range of features and tools for creating digital artwork. It offers a wide range of brushes and pens that can be used to create stunning illustrations and designs.

6. Desygner

Desygner App is a design app that offers a range of templates and graphics that can be used to create stunning visuals. It is perfect for creating social media graphics, logos, posters, and more.

7. Poster Maker

Poster Maker App is a design app that is perfect for creating posters, flyers, and other types of promotional material. It offers a range of templates and graphics that can be customized to suit your needs.

8. Pixlr

Pixlr App is a photo editing app that offers a range of filters and tools for editing photos and images. It is perfect for those who want to edit photos on their Android devices.

Table: List of Free Design Apps for Android

Sr. No.App NamePopularity
2Adobe Photoshop MixHigh
3Autodesk SketchBookHigh
4Infinite DesignHigh
5ibis Paint XHigh
7Poster MakerMedium

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What app is similar to Canva for Android free?

Desygner is a great app that is similar to Canva for Android users. It offers a range of templates and graphics that can be customized to create stunning visuals.

2. What is the best design software for Android?

The best design software for Android depends on the user's needs and level of expertise. Canva and Adobe Photoshop Mix are great options for beginners, while Autodesk SketchBook and Infinite Design are better suited for professionals.

3. Is Canva app free?

Yes, Canva app is free to download and use, but some features and templates may require a subscription.

4. What app is used for graphic design on Android?

There are several apps used for graphic design on Android, including Canva, Adobe Photoshop Mix, Autodesk SketchBook, and Infinite Design.

5. Which app is best for templates free?

Canva and Desygner are great options for free templates on Android devices.

6. Can I use Android for graphic design?

Yes, you can use Android devices for graphic design. With the right design app, Android users can create stunning visuals and designs.

7. Is there a free version of Adobe Illustrator?

Adobe Illustrator does not have a free version, but there are free alternatives such as Inkscape and Sketch.

8. Is there a free design app?

Yes, there are several free design apps available for Android users such as Canva, Desygner, and Adobe Spark Post.

9. What free app is better than Canva?

Desygner is a great free app that is similar to Canva, but offers more customization options.

10. How to create templates in Android?

Users can create templates in design apps such as Canva and Desygner by selecting a blank canvas and customizing it with the desired design elements and text.

11. Is there a free program like Photoshop?

Pixlr is a free photo editing app that is similar to Photoshop.

12. Is Illustrator free on Android?

There is no Adobe Illustrator app for Android devices.

13. Is Photoshop available for free?

Adobe Photoshop does not have a free version, but there are free alternatives such as Pixlr and GIMP.

14. What is the app better than Photoshop for free?

GIMP is a free photo editing app that is often considered a better alternative to Photoshop.

15. Is GIMP really free?

Yes, GIMP is a free and open-source photo editing app.

Best Practices for Downloading and Installing Design Apps on Android

When downloading and installing design apps on Android devices, it's important to follow best practices to ensure the app is safe and works properly. Here are a few tips:

  • Only download apps from reputable sources such as the Google Play Store or the official website of the app.
  • Check the reviews and ratings of the app before downloading to ensure it is reliable and works properly.
  • Make sure your Android device has the latest software updates installed to ensure compatibility with the app.
  • Always read the permissions the app is requesting before installing to ensure it is not requesting any unnecessary access to your device's information.

Comparison of Free Design Apps for Android

Canva, Adobe Photoshop Mix, and Autodesk SketchBook are all great options for free design apps on Android devices. Canva is best for creating social media graphics, logos, and posters, while Adobe Photoshop Mix is better suited for photo editing and compositing. Autodesk SketchBook is best for professional artists and illustrators who need a powerful drawing app.


In conclusion, there are many great free design apps available for Android users in 2023. Each app offers unique features and capabilities, and the best app for you depends on your specific needs and level of expertise. By following best practices for downloading and installing apps, you can ensure that you have a safe and reliable design app on your Android device.

When choosing a design app, it's important to consider factors such as the types of designs you want to create, the level of complexity you need, and your familiarity with design software. With the list of the top 10 free design apps for Android in 2023 and the comparison of their features, you can make an informed decision on which app to use for your specific design needs.

In addition to the design apps, there are also many other free resources available online that can help you with your design projects. Websites such as Unsplash and Pexels offer free stock photos and images that you can use in your designs. Online design tools such as Canva and Adobe Spark Post also offer free templates that you can customize to your liking.

By combining these free design resources with a powerful design app on your Android device, you can create stunning visuals that will help you stand out in a crowded digital world.

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